Do you feel the need to organize your stocks and funds portfolio in a simple and an organized way? Do you find it difficult to keep a track of the loss or gain earned on a particular stock investment? Are you looking forward to be a self-organized investor? The Portfolio Tracker app would be a good starting point for you. The Portfolio tracker app helps you organize and keep a track of all the stock and fund investments with the ability to enter and record the following details -
- The stock or fund symbol
- The company name or fund name
- The date the investment was purchased
- The details of the investment including but not limited to the number of purchase shares, the price per share, the last single share value, the change in per-share price, the total market and dollar value for the investment.
The app lets you save and re-use the portfolio statements, so you can see and keep a track of the financial progress of your business over time. If you would like to share the portfolio statements with your investment adviser, family members, business partners, you can do so internally within the app through email. Alternatively, you can locally save and take a print of your investment portfolio. Manage your portfolio effectively and be a self-organized investor.
NOTE - Please note that this is an early version of the app, and it does not feed real-time stock data values and information. Wish if you could share feature requests at
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